It's safe to say Rana has had a quieter time on screen as of late, but that is all set to change next week as her parents come back onto the scene.
The drama kicks off when Hassan pays Imran a visit and reveals that Imran is invited to his 6oth birthday party but Rana isn't, which leaves Imran appaled and he refuses to attend.
In case you're in need of a reminder, relations between Rana and her parents soured earlier this year, when Zeedan angrily outed her affair with Kate. Whilst at the time her affair with Kate was over and Rana + Zeedan agreed to stay together in return for her parents investing in Speed-Daal, Kate and Rana were unable to stay away from each other for too long and their rekindled relationship was discovered by her parents & Alya walking in on her and Kate together.
That of course led to Rana's mother Saira falsely claiming a relative was ill to try and trick Rana into going to Pakistan with her, said trickery thankfully being uncovered and Kate stopping the taxi before the others joined her side and an angry confrontation with Rana's parents ensued. In the aftermath Kate contacted the police to report Rana's parents for trying to kidnap her, which didn't go down well with any party and since then Kate & Rana's relationship has moved on to the next stage with her parents very much out of the picture.
That is all changing during next week's Coronation Street, and knowing that her father will only blame her for rejecting the party invitation, Rana persuades Imran to attend the party. On Wednesday's first episode of Coronation Street she's left sad as she watches Imran, suited and booted, leave for their Dad’s party. Later though Rana is clearly shocked as she tells Kate that Imran called from the party where their Dad has collapsed.
(Picture: ITV)
In what are sure to be difficult scenes in Wednesday's 2nd visit to the street, Imran breaks the news to Rana at the hospital that Hassan has had a stroke. But any hopes of putting their issues aside at least temporarily are quashed, as Saira bans her daughter from visiting him much to Rana's devastation. Imran points out to Saira that should Hassan die, she will have denied him his last chance to see his daughter. Rana confronts Saira and points out that had she not been banned from her Dad’s party, she would have recognised his symptoms and could possibly have saved his life.
There's further bad news in Friday's visit as Imran informs Yasmeen his ex-wife is after every penny she can get and as a result, he has to sell his share of Speed Daal. A distraught Rana confides in Kate how the hospital refuses to discuss Hassan’s condition as her mother has told them she’s estranged from the family. Imran calls at the hospital with Rana and persuades Saira to let her attend their meeting with the consultant.
(Picture: ITV)
Whilst Saira does reluctantly agree, she makes it clear Rana is nothing more than their interpreter, and Imran is soon distracted by work matters as he's called to the Police Station to meet his new client Duncan. After it was recently discovered that Duncan is in fact a fraudster, Sally has been left in a world of trouble and that looks set to get worse as Duncan explains to Imran he's been charged with fraud for stealing Charity funds, but claims he was coerced into it by Sally Metcalfe leaving Imran shocked.Will Rana be able to reconcile with her parents? Will Imran regret taking Duncan on as a client? Tune in next week to find out!
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