Sunday, October 7, 2018
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» Matt McGuinness and the MLC DOUBLE A SINGLE 'We Are What We Overcome'/Frock & Bonnet' Out On 10th October
Matt McGuinness and the MLC DOUBLE A SINGLE 'We Are What We Overcome'/Frock & Bonnet' Out On 10th October
For world mental health day, Matt McGuiness is releasing 'We Are What We Overcome' and you can watch the video above.
Matt says“I’ve suffered from mental health problems for a number of years but I’m embarrassed to say that until I got it I didn’t realise how life threatening it can be. It’s essential that we all talk about Mental Health so much more and make it much easier for men in particular to open up and get help....
The suicide rates in this country are going down but it's still the biggest killer of males under 45 and the film we’ve made will hopefully, if only in a small way, help to highlight that in the lead up to World Mental Health Day.”
Derbyshire’s Matt McGuinness performs solo or with a select group of musicians, collectively known as the MLC and currently including:
Dan Byrne - bassist with an overtly understated exterior.
Eileen Wright - saxophonist and long-term collaborator of Matt's
Jo May - spoons expert and all round percussion virtuoso
Greg Rawson - drummer and percussionist extraordinaire
“MLC” can mean multiple things - for example "Midlife Crisis" or if Matt is playing on his own: "Mean Lonesome Crooner!"
Success, bailiffs, political shenanigans and a stronger-than-ever-before family provide the backdrop to dirty, tuneful, upbeat and anthemic songs. The music is balladeering indie rock ‘n’ roll with a hint of Motown, and the lyrics convey Matt’s dry humour, laced with a healthy dose of self-deprecation.
The lead up to World Mental Health Day on October 10th 2018 will see the release of two new songs: "Frock & Bonnet” and “We Are What We Overcome". The latter is also the title of his solo Edinburgh show which hangs a conversation around Mental Health on a backbone of songs sharing this close-to-home subject as their common theme.
There’s a preview solo show “The Road to Edinburgh” at The Orange Tree in Derby on August 15th and then dates at The Fringe Festival from August 19th to 21st, 23rd and 24th at The Street, Picardy Place and August 22nd at the Voodoo Lounge, West Register Street.
Matt will be mixing original songs and conversation about mental health, depression and suicide.
Undeniably the perfect combination of ingredients to make a fun packed award winning Fringe Festival Show.
Down to earth, upbeat and self deprecating honesty with time to continue the chat in the bar afterwards.
Matt gives some background on the songs: “Frock & Bonnet” started formulating itself during my second meeting with a psychiatrist and developed, on reflection, as I realised how valuable the sessions had been despite my shallow approach and low expectations. “We are what we overcome” is about living positively with depression and coming out the other side. After every concert where I talk about mental health, particularly as a prelude to "Frock & Bonnet", I always get audience members coming to talk with me, and in particular middle-aged men. With this in mind I'm looking forward to having some time after each of the shows to allow space for individuals to chat and find some empathy”.
Matt’s socials:
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