Monday, October 29, 2018

Love is in the Air Next Week As Kate and Rana Propose to Each Other on Coronation Street

Who ever knew a cruise could last so long right?

Rana was last seen back in August (31st to be exact) where she and Kate made their peace before Rana set off on a cruise, in the hopes of building bridges with her mother who Kate rather lovingly threatened.

That six week cruise has lasted an awfully long time but thankfully the wait is almost over. This Friday's episode sees Kate confide in Jenny that she plans to propose to Rana when she does return, and great minds think alike as they both end up proposing to each other!

(Picture: ITV)

It all kicks off next Monday when Rana arrives back from her cruise and Jenny calls Kate to give her the heads up. Kate's gutted that her surprise proposal at the port has gone awry, whilst Rana secretly asks Johnny for Kate's hand in marriage (If there's another TV couple that are on the same wavelength as each other to THIS degree, I have yet to meet them).

In the second half of Monday's episode a fandom will jump for joy as Kate and Rana are reunited! They both produce rings! They're both shocked to realize they were both planning a surprise proposal! They both obviously say yes!

(Picture: ITV)

Wednesday nights 1st episode sees Johnny and Jenny throw the happy couple an engagement party but unfortunately it's not all happy times (where is it ever in soap land), as Kate makes a comment on how Rana will be a terrific mum. It's a comment that very much leaves Rana floored and sensing that children isn't on his sisters radar, Imran warns her to tell Kate before it's too late.

(Picture: ITV)

In Wednesday's 2nd episode Rana promises Imran she will talk to Kate, but Friday nights episodes see Kate suggest they do research and look into their options and reveal she's been to Dr Gaddas to find out about IVF and the different options.

Obviously this is Kate and Rana we're talking about here, two people who are completely incapable of being mad at each other for more than 5 minutes, let alone have a disagreement or keep unhappiness secret from each other for too long, so it is only a matter of time before Rana does admit her true feelings to Kate. Question is how exactly will Kate react? Will they be able to meet each other halfway? And more importantly, will Rana be truthful with Kate before she gets too carried away with her plans?


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