Friday, April 13, 2018

CONTROLRadioUK Mid-Week Chart Update

Brian Kelly is on course for another week at the top of the CONTROLRadioUK Chart. Better Man is currently a non-mover at #1, but with only 2 listens separating it from The Illicits, who look set to be climb 2 places this week with Smoke Me Away currently at #2, that could easily change. Matt Springfield, who was one of the Staff Picks last week, is on course to be our highest new entry to the chart this week with Feel Loved on course to enter at #3.

Katie Kittermaster is on course to be our highest climber this week with T-Shirt climbing 4 places from #9 to #4 on the mid-week chart. Also looking on course to climb this week is Lana Lubany. She entered last week at #10 with her new song Still Love U Call Me and is currently sitting at #5. Another new entry to the CONTROLRadioUK Chart this week looks to be Bevan Soga with Bundle Of Glory that is at #6. That's joined by Vincent Pine's new song Perfectly Familiar which is currently at #7 on the mid-week chart.

With all these new entries it does of course mean we have some songs falling down the chart this week and Nicki French is on course to be one of them. Steal The Crown is at #8 on the mid-week chart, falling 4 places from its position last week. Silverstar are looking to be another new entry to the chart this week with Ghost of a Girl entering at #9 whilst LeLe XO looks to be our final entry to the chart this week with Masquerade entering at #10.

If things stay this way on Sunday, it'll mean that Ben Davidson, Kamryn Marie, Wild Meadows and CONTROLRadioUK's April Artist Of The Month Sebastian Azul are leaving the chart this week.

As always though, there is still time for this to all change, as was witnessed in last weeks mid-week chart update. Chart Positions are decided by how many listens a track gets each week. If you want your favourite to feature in the top 10, tune into CONTROLRadioUK!


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