Thursday, May 10, 2018

Oli Gosh V Naive Machine To Release New EP 'Silva'

Oli Gosh began her career as an actress - training at RADA and then performing roles ranging from Juliet in Romeo & Juliet to Dirty Dancing in the West End.

However, In the 'resting' periods between acting jobs she would reach for her guitar. Finding herself in a band with her brother and friends, she spent many a wonderful hour in meandering jam sessions. She was hooked, and switched focus from acting to music. Coming from the underground up, Oli Gosh found her spiritual home on the dance floor of Amnesia in Ibiza where she discovered Techno. She knew she had to focus on alternative, electronic music and began writing with fellow south east London producer The Naive Machine.

She also then began writing and performing with Danglo, another South east London lad, including a full live show supporting Elderbrook at Omeara.

Her first release with Danglo - "Never Let You Go" - was picked up by Pete Tong. Oli's next release with Danglo, "Feel so Alive", is out May 17th.


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