Monday, December 19, 2016

CONTROLRadioUK Picks 5 Songs You May Not Have Heard Of

Here at CONTROLRadioUK we're always on the look-out for music be it for the playlist, or just because we think the tracks are pretty neat so heck out our picks below.

I have been a bit critical of Tom. I like the guy but some of his songs are a bit hit & miss, and whilst 'Here I Am' is a good song it didn't exactly blow me away. So you can only imagine how happy I was when I checked my notifications & saw this video pop up. I will apologise for somewhat sleeping on this song & quite a few others in the picks over the next 2 weeks, but in my defence I have had a flu + chest infection along with a pretty busy schedule at College. I don't know what I like most about this song; the lyrics, way the music goes up in the chorus or the video. Usually one with someone singing in between playing the piano & someone watching their performance would be boring. But they manage to turn that concept into something so beautiful. It's also got a slightly Christmassy feel on the melody back-drop which is perfect. This video isn't quite strong enough to make my videos of the year list (a beauty that you can feast your eyes upon next week along with some other tasty articles0 but it is strong enough to leave mesmerised on every watch. 'The Wrong Crowd' is currently available to buy/stream.

Sometimes you just hear a song & know you're gonna love it. That was me 10 seconds into this song. I love the beats, I love the chorus & I absolutely love the lyrics. It's just so on point & basically the anthem we deserve. Like Tom Odell, this video is so simple & yet so powerful. She's also managed to make a basic rhyming rhythm interesting, but should I really be surprised when Diana Gordon also helped give us the masterpiece 'Sorry' by Beyonce containing the lyric of 2016 'He better call Becky with the good hair' (Probably good to add here that ISN'T my opinion, but one I garnered from basically every media outlet in existence hunting for the so-called Becky & the Internet meltdown which ensued). Diana wrote a piece on how exactly this song & video came to be which is easily available via a quick Internet search, and something I strongly advise reading as it just adds to how good this song + video is. Unfortunately this is where my information on Diana Gordon begins & ends, but i can only hope she gives us more music as great as this.

As soon as I saw this video on TV I knew my good people at CONTROLRadioUK HQ were going to love this and what do you know? This inspired one heck of a dance party (One that is currently going on behind me because our office has extremely thin walls & people would rather dance than help me write this stuff). The video isn't really much and indeed one part always has me wondering if my TV/PC on the outs, and I'm not listening to this song for a lyrical masterclass (I know!Shocking). This song is fun, the video is fun, the music is fun & you know what? Sometimes that's just what we need. Tkay Maidza is an Australian rapper/singer who was born in Zimbabwe, and her debut album TKAY is currently available to download/buy in Australia/America whilst it comes out in Europe on 20th January 2017.

Don't you love it when a band you like releases a song from their album which you absolutely love? It's so much better than having to pretend to like a single, whilst judging their managements taste in not releasing the actual goods. I haven't come across a person who likes 'Wild World' and doesn't have 'Blame' in their top 5 songs simply because it's impossible. But let's break it down here. First, appreciate the visuals Bastille give us but don't ever try to understand the message of the song. You will basically be here forever because I've yet to meet a person who has a clear cut explanation of what their videos mean which is even more fun; music is an art & art is supposed to be interpretive. Secondly, I love the guitar riff at the beginning of the song & how the beginning isn't heavy musically at all. It's a natural growth with the vocals & backing vocals which I absolutely love because you're able to feel the power of the song even more. Thirdly, the reason why Bastille are my second favourite band after OneRepublic (and something I think I've mentioned before) is they write for meaning. It's not just random rhyming cuplets put together & hoping for a decent result, which I'll be quick to add isn't a bad thing but again it's all about balance; I like deep songs just as much as I like simple songs, nothing too much, nothing too little. Finally I also happen to adore the guitar riff at the end which leads into the beginning again. Pretty damn neat if you ask me. 'Wild World' is currently available to buy/stream which you of course already know because you already have it.

Fun fact for you; When I first watched this video I thought all the guys in the band were the same person just clothed differently. Even funner fact for you? When I showed this video to the rest of CONTROLRadioUK HQ they had the same reaction & even when I explained there are indeed 5 different guys & pointed out the differences, some still got confused. Beginning to think I should've redeemed that group Specsavers voucher when I had the chance. That aside this song is yet another masterpiece on the picks this week. In fact all the tracks I had listed for consideration were so great no-one wanted to put any track on the reject list. Nope! They're all in the 5 picks spread over this & next week. Back to this song though & it is just fantastic. The lyrics are deep without being overly preachy & the same of Phil Collins 'In The Air Tonight' is used wonderfully. I think I had a theme going this week with simple effective videos & I strongly advise checking out the acoustic of this song which is even more spectacular. MiC Lowry are a 5 peice vocal harmony group from Liverpool & you can buy/stream this song now.


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