Sunday, June 24, 2018

Jurrasic World: Fallen Kingdom Storms The US Box Office, Incredibles 2 Picks Up 80 Million Dollars; Ocean's 8, Tag & Deadpool 2 Round Up Top 5

In completely unsurprising news, despite mixed reviews from critics Jurrasic World: Fallen Kingdom has stormed to #1 at the US Box Office making $150 million in its first week. Whilst it's not as high a figure as its predecessor it is still a pretty good number, and we can expect that to be added to.

Another film still doing quite well is Incredibles 2. In its second week it earned $81.9 million and boasts the biggest second weekend in history for an animated film and one of the biggest for any film. Another film doing quite well in its third week is of course Ocean's 8, which took $11.7 million and has so far made over $100 million.

Tag and Deadpool 2 round out the top 5, taking 8.2 and 5.2 million respectively. One film that isn't doing well at all is John Travolta's critically panned mob biopic Gotti. Its tumbled more than 54% in its second weekend taking $800,000 from 466 theaters (to put that into perspective the film lost 37 cinemas) and has so far made approximately 3.2 million from a 10 million budget.

Courtesy of Box Office Mojo


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