Wednesday, February 28, 2018

CONTROLRadioUK Mid-Week Chart Update

In this Mid-Week Chart Update we're taking a look at potential new entries, non movers & who is sliding up & down the CONTROLRadioUK this weekend.

Madelyn Victoria looks set for a third straight week at the top of the chart with "Hold On", whilst Track Not Found & Brian Kelly are both non-movers holding firm at #2 & #3 respectively. "A Better Man" has been something of a chart main stayer since it first began being playlisted by CONTROLRadioUK, with the song constantly moving up and down the chart.

Graham J
looks to be moving up 1 position to #4 with his track "Deja Vu", whilst Wintergreen's "Not Cricket" has moved back down the chart to #5.

Sebastien Azul & Dominic Azul looks to be the first of two new entries to the CONTROLRadioUK Chart, with their song "I Am The Boy They Don't Understand" at #6 on the mid-week chart. After entering the chart last week, Verity White looks to have slipped down 1 place to #7 with "Breaking Out"

Another new entry last week Laura Brierley looks set to slip down two places to #8 with Tonight. After falling 5 places to #10 last week, Aaron J. Trumm is set to move up one place to #9 with "Here We Go Go Go", whilst C-Drain look on course to enter the chart at #10 with "Come On", meaning that Rozalla B's "Shadow Of The Moon" and Ali Jacko's "I Found Love" are set to drop out of this weeks chart.

There is of course still time for this to all change and you are the ones that make that happen! CONTROLRadioUK Chart positions are decided by how many times a week a song is listened to. So if you want your favorite Artists/Bands to be ruling the CONTROLRadioUK Chart, tune in!


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